Many different industries require crane-weighing solutions. BLH Nobel is known for providing safe, reliable and easy-to-operate weighing solutions for heavy lifting or life cycle monitoring applications. Whether it is repetitive loading or accurate weighing of valuable material, BLH Nobel solutions for your crane and lifting equipment increase your process efficiency.

Safe and Reliable Crane Operation
BLH Nobel solutions enable weighing during lifting or transferring operations, eliminating the need to stop at a scale between each step of the process. This allows for highly reliable and extremely efficient weighing of material while loading at harbor or onto trains or trucks. Our solutions increase operational efficiency and guarantee high accuracy by meeting OIML Legal-For-Trade standards.
Crane Overload Protection
BLH Nobel provides overload protection solutions for simple and complex crane systems. Our crane safety modules meet EU regulations for overload protection (Machinery Directive); our load cells feature built-in redundancy. Both enables BLH Nobel crane overload protection systems to reach Performance Level PLd (IEC 13849-1) and Safety Integrity Level SIL2 (ISO-EN 61508-1). The crane overload protection system is available for cranes with up to 8 hoists.
Understanding Your Environment
Environmental factors such as space constraint, dust, dirt, temperature, humidity and exposure to corrosive acids or explosive fumes are considered. The impact of side forces, vibrations and heat expansion help determine the type of load cell that is required. Our experience and manufacturing capabilities allow us to upgrade your crane by replacing your dead pin by a tailor-made dynamometric sensor load pin with same characteristics. Depending on the project’s complexity and for optimal positioning of all equipment, an on-site inspection is be recommended. BLH Nobel can provide the whole engineering, the system itself with all components as well as full calibration services.